Remote Learning

I believe that remote learning is somewhat of a hard transition, especially for those who haven’t had remote classes before. Personally, I am not too fond of remote learning. It is a bit more stressful in a way; I prefer in person lectures where I can ask the professor questions and receive the teaching in person. Sometimes we do not appreciate what we have and we take it for granted until we do not have it anymore. However, educators have tried their best to make the most out of remote learning and have tried their best to aid students in pushing forward.

Tools For Teachers To Create Of Digital Learning Content

    • Pro – Provides different payment options according to what you can afford and need in your classroom
    • Pro – Many tools provided
    • Pro – Security and authenticity
    • Pro – You are provided use with google and Microsoft
    • Con – You need to pay for more accessibility
    • Pro – You can share and engage with others outside of your classroom with this program
    • Pro – Simple login for young learners
    • Pro – Custom media library where you create your own stickers, animation and images
    • Con – Monthly payment
    • Pro – Teachers can see if student is watching videos
    • Pro – Privacy and security
    • Pro – Free use for teachers and students
    • Con – From a student perspective I have been told that they would like to be able to leave site while listening to video
    • Pro – In Spanish!
    • Pro – Push students to their best ability
    • Pro – Programs for different age groups
    • Con – Competitions for students
    • Con – Not sure if the site is provided in English
    • Pros – Videos and live events
    • Pros – Virtual classroom, where you can write on templates while teaching
    • Pros – Online Training
    • Con – Need to pay
    • Pros – International
    • Pros – provides lessons
    • Pros – K – 12 and higher education
    • Con – The site seems a bit more difficult to understand
    • Pros – Teachers tweet about the site and provide reviews
    • Pros – can integrate with other tools like google, PowerPoint, etc.
    • Pros – Unlimited storage
    • Pros- Basic access is free!
    • Cons – Need to pay for premium access
    • Pros – Highly effective content
    • Pros – Animated imagery
    • Pros – Provides classroom organization
    • Pros – Collaboration tool for teachers and students
    • Pros – Teachers can build their own boards
    • Cons – Free for educators

Presenting Online

I will be showing my project in pictures, because I was not able to embed a link.

Google slides

These are 6 different tools that teachers can use and are free in aid to them. There may be some exception in the use and you may have to pay to receive more tools to use in presentations. However, to begin using the websites/programs it is free. I have not used all of them nonetheless I do not doubt that they are all effective for educators to use in their classrooms.

WebQuest Evaluation

This WebQuest site has different categories for grades pre – k to grade 12 and this WebQuest that I chose is for 2nd grade level students. It provides questions similar to the one above where it subtly hints at what time it could be. I liked this WebQuest because it provides a picture of a clock, accompanied with the sentence to hint at what time the student should pick. I would use it because it seems like something easy that the students would be able to understand and complete to enhance their understanding on how to tell time.

Our Classroom Cultures: Introduction (

Grade 3 – 5

I found this WebQuest on the link provided on blackboard to receive help on finding actual WebQuest pages that are sometimes a bit difficult to find. This page provides directions for creating a multicultural project. It also provides links where the students may retrieve information to include into their project. I like it because it provides safe websites for the students to use instead of them having to look on the web themselves and find things that may not be beneficial to them and can instead just confuse them. It is simple and just gets straight to the point. Not to mention that I additionally love the topic.

Weather and Seasons: Introduction (

I also found this WebQuest on the link provided on blackboard for us. The grade level that this is for is second graded, and the subject is science. I think that this is something that I would definitely consider using to teach second grade. It is a subject that they should be aware of and eventually come to fully acknowledge.

Worksheets/Weekly Assignment 9

Is it a “must” for teachers to use worksheets in their classrooms? In present day we have taken a drastic shift from classrooms to computer screens. With the worldwide pandemic known as COVID-19 everyone’s life has been immensely impacted for the better or for the worse. We are all getting accustomed to this 360 lifestyle change, and educators and students I would say are sole victims. In reference to this topic, “worksheets” are hardly important in present day for students and educators. Since now teaching is executed remotely. As for my opinion of the use of worksheets to reduce in extensity of words would be… I love them. I do not know why however, I tend to lean more towards having things done written than having them digitally in front of me. Now, don’t get me wrong I love technology as well. Nonetheless, I would dread to have everything done remotely… quite ironic actually. Given the fact that all of my classes are remote. When I searched the pros and cons of using worksheets in classrooms, a negative affect was the following. Worksheets are only able to present or test a concept that a student already knows, and cannot teach or challenge a student, instead simply be used to monitor their knowledge. As I read this statement I was able to come to terms with it and I understood the point given. I truthfully think that using worksheets is just a preference that I have, while I still very much appreciate technology I would not be content with the “extinction” of the use of worksheets in a classroom.

Math worksheet

A New Globe

I created a total of six placemarks, and I chose six different colleges/universities at random and provided a picture for three of them and a video for the remaining three. I followed the tutorial and completed then I was able to create my own education placemarks. By following the introduction provided in the portfolio, I was able to take the correct amount of steps to create my education placemarks. I would search the place that I desired to pin and would place a label on it and before saving it I would insert either the picture or the video. I place marked Harvard University, Stockton University, Princeton, Lehigh University, Rutgers, and last but not least Atlantic Cape Community College.

Working with ISTE Standards

As I read the content on the International Society for Integrating Technology into Education’s Standards page and saw all of the standards that it has applied for students using technology. Including its different ways for students to integrate technology into their work and being able to effectively use it in different ways. I honestly liked the standards that they provide, the site seems very effective and helpful to the public. It focuses on the student development and progress in technology, by establishing these standards with different components that make it up. Seems very beneficial in creating young adults prepared for the new tech world.

The standard that I have chosen to use as one that I could possibly assign to my students is Computational Thinker. In view of the fact that I want to be an elementary educator focusing on grade levels pre – k to grade 3, I thought that this standard would be an effective one to apply to this grade level.

Activity 1: The students can complete an online lab assignment where they see a video that explains to them the growth of a plant and the steps that are required for the healthy growth of a plant. They will explore and find solutions as the standard mentions, based upon the difference of a plant being fed water on opposition to being fed soda.

Activity 2: The students will observe various videos and will receive lessons about ocean pollution. With this information that they would be provided they will extract key information and find resolutions for the problems there is worldwide with pollution. They will explain how they can be the change and influence others to be the change. This activity could be completed in a PowerPoint or a small essay.

Activity 3: Under the standard Computational Thinker there is a tab identified as 5d. I was thinking that by the end of the different tasks they can analyze all of the different things that we have done and develop a sequence of steps to create and test automated solutions. They can then turn in a small paragraph/essay about how they did their different assignments on whatever device they had a available and used to complete the assignment.

Personal Learning Network

What is a PLN?

  • A Personal Learning Network is a group of varied educators around the world or could also simply be educators from your community that come together to help each other and share opinions and give each other feedback on many different topics that are based on education. A PLN could be on Facebook or Twitter. It is just any social network that allows you to connect with other educators and mutually learn from each other.

Professional Organizations (I do not really have a specific subject that I want to teach, especially since I want to teach younger elementary… but for this assignment I am going to choose math.)

    • This site National Community of Teachers of Mathematics provides a set of mathematical standards for all students pre-k to grade 12 where they describe the information they provide to be college and career readiness for this 21st century. This site focuses not only on students, if not also teachers, administrators, community leaders and even parents.
    • This site The American Statistical Association is primarily about enhancing statistical knowledge to students, educators, and whoever would like to receive a more profound teaching about statistics. They provide classroom resources, workshops and more to expand their association for grades pre-k though grade 12
    • This site named The Society For Industrial and applied Mathematics promotes the research of mathematics while including scientific computing. while they do this they try to include applications of their work to real world situations.
    • The Mathematical Association of America says to be the worlds largest community of mathematicians, students, and enthusiasts. They use mathematics and apply in to their daily lives other than only something seen as just something you would do in a classroom.
    • The American Mathematical Society connects the diverse global mathematical community through publications, conferences, and meetings. They provide help and various resources for mathematicians, students, and the general public. while receiving input from other voices around the world so that they may all connect through math.

Blog/Website Focusing on The Integration of Technology into Education

    • This blog is created by a librarian and educational technology leader at a middle school in Maryland. She encourages students to read while involving technology and being able to express themselves with different books.
    • This foundation is focused on providing students k-12 their skills, thoughts, attitudes, and more to their studies, adult lives, and careers. They do rigorous research to allow students to receive what they need in this 21st century and as technology advance they try to provide resources for the students that will prepare them for their future.
    • This site is a blog that provides information for how teachers can provide tech integration into their “paperless classrooms”. They provide their own real life experiences which include do’s and don’ts for tech integration in classrooms.
    • This blog is created by an educator who is not currently an educator in a classroom anymore as she was, however; she created this blog to provide her own experience to help teachers and provide them advice on how to integrate technology in their classrooms. She is in love with technology and decided to make a blog specifically for educators looking to improve their experience in technology.
    • This blog provides loads of information for teachers trying to incorporate technology in their classroom. The creator of this log is a woman who shares her experience and accomplishments.

3 Local Organizations That Offer Professional Development Workshops

  1. Atlantic Southern Regional ETTC
    • This is a Educational Technology Training Center that provides professional development for educators who would like to teach from pre-k to grade 12 and various professionals who provide service in education. ETTC’s goal says to be to offer technology services and technology training and enhance technology in education by providing help to various educators or those who plan to pursue in education.
  2. Cape May County Technical School District
    • This is a technology training center located on the campus of the Cape May County Technical High School in Cape May Court House. At this location they offer technical training to all educators in Cape May where they have customized free workshops if a fee has not been indicated and provide on site learning. They use many different resources on how to incorporate technology in classrooms.
  3. Salem County Vocational-Technical Schools
    • On the site of this Salem county vocational technical schools they state their mission as being an organization that provides students preparation for employment and lifelong learning with technical education programs. That in return will give the students essential skills they will need for their future concerning technology.

Is Teaching An Art Or A Science?

Is teaching an art or a science? As I analyzed how I was going to answer this question, I tried to put into perspective the two subjects and compare and contrast them. I was torn between the two. However, when I read the article it helped me make my decision and enlightened my perspective. The argument made in this article was in favor of teaching being considered as a science instead of an art. As I read the article and the points were being given and stated, I eventually came to agree with his argument. Nonetheless, the writer did say that they were a bit biased. The reason being that they were writing a book on the science of learning, therefore he said that he leaned more heavily towards teaching being a science instead of an art. I agree with this claim. Out of the various points that the writer gave as to why teaching is a science instead of an art, there was one that stood out. The article writes, “To envision teaching as an art, then, is to see it as a one way transaction with the instructor…” and on the contrary teaching is hardly this. When one wants to teach, we need to take in consideration that not all students are the same. They grow up in homes of varied opinions and morals. Teaching is hardly an art. Even so, something that also came to my mind about teaching possibly being an art was that when an artist paints a canvas they use the colors that they choose to place on their palette. This being said we could compare it to teaching as the classroom of students being an empty canvas and the paint as the input of each student and the instructor put together to be something to admire. However, teaching is not something that stays the same. On the contrary, teaching can be modified as stated in the article. A teacher should be willing to change their perspective if it will benefit their classroom. My view of teaching being a science or an art, is that teaching is a science instead of an art. One more thing in the article I would like to mention that the writer said was that in science a scientist observes the situation or the given object and create a hypothesis according to what they observe. A teacher should observe their students and work around their classroom environment.

Coding For All

I think that this initiative that governor Murphy took was a succulent decision made for public education. I completely agree with his argument as to why he wants to make computer science available to all public schooling. As mentioned in the article, there are many jobs that seek for employees that have computer experience. Therefore by establishing this new requirement they are preparing these students to have the potential to have higher paying jobs than usual because of the experience that they received in school. This is immensely beneficial.


This website provides computer science for all children, for children of all backgrounds. This is a program made to enhance learning for students of all ages. It is a program that provides many different activities that help children learn according to their grade level.

Like: Completely free

Dislike: A bit difficult for children to understand and some activities require downloads.

This is a volunteer established website that is focused on peer learning, youth mentoring, and self led learning. Students there to create their own games, apps, and websites. It allows students to express themselves and learn new things from different peers.

Like: Kids can be creative and have the resources necessary to learn how to.

Dislike: It is nice that there are volunteers but I was just worried to know if there are restrictions and supervision over who and what is being taught to the eager learners.

This website is a website that allows students to learn coding, they are taught, and they additionally receive practice and feedback for their work.

Like: The site provides feedback to the students and help them improve their mistakes

Dislike: You need to create an account and there is pricing to receive higher level courses

This site provides coding for students and guides them the entire way.

Like: Provides constructive criticism for the students to improve

Dislike: You need to create and account and there is pricing to receive higher level courses